Back to School Must Haves {EMag}

If you're like me, the beginning of the new school year is filled with lots of excitement, a little anxiety, and a lot of fun buying back to school goodies to create your "perfect" classroom! I think getting my classroom ready is one of my favorite things to do and just like many of you, I have my go-to products that I have to have to help me have a great year. To help you find some new must haves for your classroom {or remember some of your favorites}, I've teamed up with a fabulous group of bloggers to bring you this year's Back to School Must Haves e-magazine {a big thanks to April over at A Modern Teacher and Melanie at Schoolgirl Style for heading this up!!}.
Click below to read all about our favorites {and lucky you, you can click on the pictures to get to the product!} and to find and follow some new blogs!

Now, I've got to get back to getting my room ready! Pictures coming soon :)
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1 comment

  1. Hi! I just came across your TpT Store through Pinterest. It says you're from Gordon. I love right down the road in Dothan. It's nice to "meet" someone so close! :)


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