Spiders and New Workshops

We have had such a busy week! The kids were out Monday for an inservice day, and yesterday we went to the pumpkin patch, so we crammed a lot into Tuesday and today! We've been learning about spiders and using them in our math to learn about the number 8.

We began by creating our schema chart about spiders. We're still reading non-fiction, so we'll be adding more new learning and seeing if we had any more misconceptions.

After reading books about spiders, we listed describing words

We made these spiders to help show what we know (that spiders have 2 body parts, 8 legs, and usually 8 eyes)

In the middle, we used a sentence frame that I had on the board to describe spiders.

In reading groups, we have started doing cut up sentences. We practiced in whole group by doing this one about spiders. Then, I painted the kids' hands to make the spider.

We read The Very Busy Spider and sequenced the animals that came to visit. The kids helped me write the names of the animals by deciding the first letter of each.

Then, each kiddo made their own sequence chart of the story.

The activity above can be found in this new pack at TpT, along with sequencing activities for 2 other stories. These will usually be $3, but will be only $2 until Sunday! :) Click the picture for more info.

We glued 8 "spiders" on the ten frame and gave them each 8 legs

We practiced adding one more to a number until we had 8 spiders on the web. This can be found here for free :) {Graphics are KPM Doodles}

We also started working on some new workshops. My kids are doing so well during workshop time when I'm pulling groups and they get so excited when new workshops come out! Hope you are having a great week with your kiddos!
Pulling cards and deciding the beginning letter of each

More of the beginning sound cards

We're reading - working on stretching words and matching to pictures {This, along with the workshop above, is in my Halloween pack that you can get here}

Spinning the Halloween spinner then writing the beginning letter {this is from Caitlin's Bat pack that you can get here}

We're still working on beginning sounds {this game can be found in my beginning sound match up pack here}


  1. Awesome! We are learning about spiders next week....hallelujah, thanks for sharing your pics and ideas! I'm ready, but I can't stop adding ideas to my "spider" box. :-)


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