Every week, my kiddos get super excited for new literacy workshops and math centers. It is so much fun to see them so excited because I don't even think they realize how much learning they're doing when they're at the centers!
Here's what we're doing this week:
Working on real and nonsense words with word families |
Beginning blends...these are giving us a fit this year! |
Stretching words to spell them |
Determining missing medial vowel sounds |
Reading words to see if they are real or "leprechaun" words |
Finding missing numbers |
Working on matching numbers to 20 with the correct ten frame |
Relating 3D shapes to real world objects...this is a freebie from Deeanna that you can get here |
Counting objects and representing the number on a ten frame |
I love this center and it will be out for a while! The kids work to match a variety of cards with the number they are equal to...this is from my friend Deeanna and you can get it here. |
We also started our St. Patrick's Day fun today by reading
That's What Leprechauns Do. It's really a cute story that's a good introduction to learning about the legend of leprechauns. We created a tree map together then made these cute leprechauns to attach to our individual leprechauns.
We also graphed wheteher we believed in leprechauns or not then did a little data page as a class.
You can get all the St. Pat's centers, tree map, and graph activity in my
St. Pat's pack here.
I'm off to paint some "gold" for us to use in math tomorrow...hope your Monday was as good as a Monday can be :).
Let's not talk about blends, it's crazy!!! You got a lot accomplished today!!
The Daily Alphabet
Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas, Vickie! :) We used a lot from your St. Patrick's Day uni last week. My cuties loved it!
Sprinkles to Kindergarten