1 More Day!

So, we only have 1 more day until we are out for spring break and I think the kids are just as ready as I am. We all need a little break! I am hoping the weather cooperates...it's only 60 degrees here, which is cold for us southern girls!

We've been busy doing more Easter activities this week...

We read The Biggest Easter Basket Ever and discussed the beginning, middle, and end of the story. The kids all drew their favorite part and we decided where it happened in the story. We also did a little individual story map. This is still a little tricky for us right now, but I was pleased with the progress we've made!

We also read The Easter Bunny is Missing. To begin, I showed them just the title page and we made predictions about where we thought the Easter Bunny was. Then, we read the story and went back and sequenced the animals who tried to fill in for him as well as discussed why they were not a good choice. Then we did our own sequencing page.

This activity is similar to the activities in my sequencing packs, so I decided to make it a freebie on TpT to give you an idea of what the sequencing packs are like. You can download it for free here :)

In math, we've been doing some activities from my good friend Deeanna's new Easter pack {click here}.
Yesterday, we worked on subtraction story problems with the Easter Bunny and carrots. We worked on the promethean board first, then used manipulatives to work some problems together.

Thank you Squirrels for the inspiration to do math on our bellies!
 If you're still needing some Easter activities, here are 2 graphing freebies from last year:

 If you need some centers, you can get my Easter centers by clicking the picture below.
Or, if you need some non-holiday centers, you can get my Spring pack...

I would love to give these packs to 2 lucky followers...leave me a comment telling me what you did or are doing for Spring Break! :) I'm off to bake a bunny cake for our party!


  1. We have one more day until Spring Break, too! I wasn't sure if we were going to make it or not. LOL I have a massive toothache, so on my first day of break I will be going to the dentist :( BOOOO! hopefully, I will be all healed up to go back in April.
    Thanks for sharing your hard work with us!

  2. We still have two weeks until Spring Break! Unfortunately, I have a couple of appointments lined up and then I have some fun things planned like reading some books, blogging, and of course shopping! Can't wait! Also, I hope to go to Charleston for the weekend! Thanks for sharing all of your ideas!


    The Bilingual Teacher

    1. My e-mail is angelapr18@gmail.com just in case! :-)

  3. One more week before our Spring Break! I can't wait to spend some QT time with my son and hope the Ohio weather warms up so we can hit the zoo! New follower and love your ideas!

  4. We are on spring break now...I've been busy running errands that I don't have time to do while I'm working! It feels great to go out in public for lunch and take my time eating!


  5. Spend LOTS of time with my family!!!

  6. we have 6 more days until Spring Break and I CANNOT wait! We ALL need a break in room 209 and I too hope the weather gets nicer. It was a whopping 40 today ... in Virginia! We never get snow and here it is on the second day of Spring and we have flurries. I can't wait to just lounge around in pjs all day during break. I'd love to use these activities next week before we all leave.

    thanks, Lisa

  7. I am on spring break now, and I have been relaxing. I have also spent some time planning my wedding.


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. We have spring break in 1 week!!! My entire family: parents, bother & sister-in-law & their 3 girls, and me with my 2 sons :) is going to the Bahamas together! Woohoo!!! I can't wait! -Feeling so grateful! Hope you have a great spring break! Thanks for the freebies and the giveaway!

  10. Spring break starts tomorrow for us and I am looking forward to a week at the beach with my family :)


  11. We start our spring break next Friday. Hopefully I will be able to spend time with my family and will also be "decluttering" my house - hoping to move to a smaller place in the (not too distant) future! Thanks for the freebies!

  12. One more week until Spring Break! Nothing exciting planned. First day of vacation will be dentist appts, and I have an MRI for shoulder pain I've had. What joy! Rest of the week will be spent working on my online classes for my reading endorsement. I'll try to work in some shopping with my daughter. Love to read about your fun kindergarten days! The Easter books look great!

  13. Considering it has been snowing here in Kentucky, 60 degrees sounds fantastic!!! : ) My spring break is not until the first week of April, and I am actually heading to Florida to vacation, so I hope it warms up!!! : ) I would love to win your packs! brooklynkate09@hotmail.com

  14. Spring break starts next Friday for me! On Sunday I am heading out on a 7 day cruise to Mexico, and Puerto Rico thanks to my wonderful boyfriend and his parents! jkroske@gmail.com

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. My hubby took the week off too, so we went East to Gainesville to visit his aging parents, and now just spending the days enjoying this beautiful Spring weather and planning our garden :) Hope you're enjoying yours!! thanks! pcolagal1963@gmail.com

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I am only off good Friday and the Monday after. I will be spending my break at home with my three kiddos. I am sure I will be doing a little school work as well. Enjoy your break!

  19. My spring break doesn't start until next Friday. I will be celebrating birthdays. My husband's and both daughters birthdays are all over spring break. Hoping the weather gets warmer too. Enjoy your break. Dthomas@limacityschools.org

  20. I had spring break last week. I relaxed and read a book for enjoyment.

  21. I had spring break last week. I relaxed and read a book for enjoyment.

  22. I had spring break last week. I relaxed and read a book for enjoyment.

  23. My anniversary falls during spring break, and my husband says he planned something for us. I have my suitcase ready in case we need an airplane to get there!

    I would love to win your resources! Thank you for the chance.


  24. One more day for me too! I can't wait to relax a bit and tackle some home projects...organizing and crafting, here I come:)
    Enjoy your break!

  25. I spent time traveling across Texas to spend time with both my parents and in-laws.

    Heather (heathernnance@yahoo.com)

  26. My break doesn't start till next Friday and I am SOOOO ready! I am going to work on organizing my basement and getting rid of baby stuff! (My baby is 3 now!)


  27. We have another week before Spring Break. We'll be hanging around the house. Hopefully I'll be catching up on my DVR'd shows I never get time to watch!!


  28. I think we are the only school in our area that does not have spring break. Oh well...we have good Friday and the following Monday off so we will be able to enjoy spending a few days with family for Easter! Looking forward to having everyone to our house this year. Enjoy your break!!
    Stacey White

  29. Our spring break is next week too!! and I am leaving for B'ham right after school. Got to get twin time in, its also where Jackson and Zoe are for the weekend!!

  30. We are on spring break right now! These look great for when we return! :). Thanks
    Kindergarten Faith

  31. Our spring break begins next week. I can't wait to rest and relax and gear up for the next 38 days of school!


  32. We're heading to my niece's wedding! so excited!

  33. I still have 4 weeks until spring vacation :( But I plan on catching up on my reading, running more outside versus on the yucky treadmill, lost of rest, cleaning and of course, prepping materials and lesson plans for school! :)

  34. One more day for me and then spring break! Wooo Hooo!!!! I am spending the week with my beautiful children. We are going to play a lot of games, visit a lot of people and have as much fun as we can. I am very lucky to have the same spring break as my kids, I teach in a different district than I live in.


  35. Painting the bathroom, and then helping hubby put in a new toilet...while painting the bathroom we found a leak! UGH! My whole week has been this LITTLE bathroom! Oh,well...It looks good! :) wendy 1stgradefireworks@gmail.com

  36. Love your little basket on the anchor chart! Too cute! My favorite thing I did during Spring Break was sleep in! It was so nice! I could use another week off!


  37. I am so sad to see my spring break come to an end! I worked on my house. Not exciting but productive. Tomorrow I tackle my very messy classroom!

  38. My spring break isn't for a few weeks but I'm planning on painting our front hall and one of the bathrooms. I'm hoping the weather is nice then perhaps ill do a little gardening too...or just enjoy the sin. :-)


  39. One more week before Spring Break, the plan is to go to my home away from home for the week and relax.

  40. First of all I am jealous. We have break in one week. I think we are all stir crazy right now. The first thing I will do is sleep and then I will continue to pin like crazy from Pintrest since it is my first year in first grade after 10 yrs in third and I need center activities. I love your stuff! Such cute ideas.

  41. No spring break here! We are getting 2 days off for Easter and then back at school for 2 more weeks.

  42. My spring break is not for another month. I can;t even think about what I will be doing then. That is so far away and the students really need a break sooner than later. The winter blues are set in and I hope that the groundhog's prediction of early spring come true, but I doubt it, as the MA version of the groundhog predicted 6 more weeks of winter.
    Sick of snow days and anticipating spring. I would love to win your spring center package.

  43. My Spring Break starts now! But I will be working on report cards!


  44. Our Spring Break is in 1 week. I am going to spend time with my wonderful baby boy! Thanks for sharing all your ideas. They are great. Both your packs look wonderful!

    1. My email is b_alyson@yahoo.com

  45. I wish we could call ours spring break. This year will only get a few days.
    =( I will be relaxing and watching March Madness!!

  46. Our spring break officials begins in 1 week. I can't wait! I will be spending it with my three wonderful boys and the hubby too.

  47. Oh my goodness, we totally were stuck indoors Spring Break! :( My 8 year old broke her wrist while roller blading at the local skate place and was under orders not to do anything active, lest she fall again! We'll make up for it, though! My little sister is coming (Yay, Aunt Rachel!) and they'll have a blast! I'm excited to open the windows and get some gardening done, maybe read that book I keep trying to read! :) twicethegreenage@hotmail.com

  48. We were so busy on our spring break! We visited Grandma for a few days, went to the zoo, had a playdate with some friends that moved to a new school, went bowling.... AND we are planning on hitting the pottery studio and the aquarium tomorrow since the weather is not cooperating and it has been rainy and cold! Then it is back to school on Monday. Enjoy your break next week!!!


  49. I spent a few days in Kansas City with my best girl friend and then have been spending the rest of it with my amazing family. Today was my last day of Spring Break. Enjoy yours!!

  50. I love your story maps. Spring Break is flying by. I am busy making new things for my classroom. I am lucky to spend tons of time with my new grandbaby.

    Classroom Companion

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