Where in the world did the summer go?? I feel like I blinked and it was gone. I had grand intentions of writing lots of blog posts, getting things ready, getting my craft on etc., but life just sort of happened and it didn't get done. I can't make any apologies though because I was busy with this cutie pie who just happened to turn 9 (yes, 9!!!) months old last week!
Teachers have been back at school a little over a week now and just like all of you, we've been busy with meetings, learning a new reading series, meeting parents, and meeting our sweet kids.As busy as it is and although with a little one, its a little harder to have it all together, I still LOVE this time of year! Getting a new group of sweet little babies is so much fun!
I had planned on going to work at school today, but it has rained all dang day, plus my little one decided to grow out of her play clothes almost over night, so I made a change of plans and went to Target! While I was there, I picked up some more black ink (story of my life!) so I could print out just a *few* more things before the kids officially start on Monday. I hope to have a little classroom tour ready for you tomorrow after I
go and get some finishing touches ready. {Nothing like last minute,
huh?} In the meantime, here's what we'll be working on next week:
Our reading series (and let me go ahead and say it is going to take some time to get used to having one!) does a quick intro of letters the first 3 weeks, so we'll be doing lots of quick and easy activities!
We'll use these to sort letters each day then at the end of the week, I'll just use the first letter cards and we'll sort the letters we've learned. These are in my sorting pack or part of my alphabet bundle. |
These will be an easy activity for us to learn how to follow directions...especially with cutting and gluing! The top two are from my sorting pack and the bottom is from my Amazing Alphabet (also in the bundle). |
I'm also going to s-l-o-w-l-y introduce workshops (literacy centers) so that I can get our diagnostic testing done.
We'll start by talking about our rules during workshops. I love these posters from Kristen's Literacy Centers Pack! |
We'll mainly be doing some super simple centers like this one (that still has to be laminated!!) from my Back to School pack. |
In math, we're going to be learning about 0 and 1 and circles. I'll be using activities from my
Nifty Numbers pack as well as my
Shape Up pack.
Super easy activity pages that hopefully won't be too hard for the first week! We'll also do the sorting activity whole group with big colored cards that are in the pack. |
I can't wait to make these! There are patterns for 11 different shape craftivities in the pack! |
I'm hoping that we get time to work on our goals and I love this sheet from Alisha over at The Bubbly Blonde.
I thought I had almost everything ready for Monday until I saw this cute freebie poem and idea from my sweet friend Kristen over at
A Day in First Grade. I think I might be making playdough tomorrow!
Now, I'm off to fill my wishlist over at TpT...the big Back to School sale starts tomorrow and I know I'll be stocking up on lots of good stuff!
Love these ideas! I'm off to your TPT shop!
ReplyDeleteLittle bit is just the cutest thing! Look at that smile! You need to stop creating things because I have way too much of it wishlisted! haha! Good luck this week!
ReplyDeletePolka Dots, Checks and Stripes